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来源:华商学习网 时间:2023-10-05





1. The project was completed _______ time and within _______ budget.

A. on; the

B. on; a

C. in; the

D. in; a


解析:此处应该用“on time”表示“按时”,而用“within the budget”表示“在预算范围内”,the budget表示一个具体的预算。

2. The report, _______ details will be published next week, contains some surprising conclusions.

A. which

B. whose

C. that

D. whom


解析:“whose details will be published next week”表明这个详细信息是关于报告的,因此用which引导定语从句。


Passage 1

According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. Patients are advised to avoid foods that contain artificial sweeteners.

B. Artificial sweeteners are recommended as a healthy alternative to sugar.

C. The research on the health effects of artificial sweeteners is inconclusive.

D. Sugar consumption is not linked to the development of health problems.



Passage 2

What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The benefits of jogging for weight loss.

B. The importance of a balanced diet and exercise plan.

C. The role of jogging in reducing the risk of heart disease.

D. The limitations of jogging as a weight loss strategy.




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Xiaoming. Your friend, Li Hua, is going to visit you during the forthcoming summer holiday. Write a letter to\n him/her. You should write at least 100 words according to the given situation.

Dear Li Hua,

I am so excited to hear that you are going to visit me during this summer holiday. I look forward to showing you around, taking you to the places that I like to go, and introducing you to my friends.

We could start with some sightseeing – there are so many beautiful and interesting places in our city. One of my favorite places is the park near my home, where we can rent a boat and wander around the lake. We could also take a trip to see the Great Wall near Beijing, or the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an. The summer palace is also a beautiful spot to relax in on any given day.

Of course, the best part of the visit will be just spending time together. My friends are also looking forward to meeting you. I will make sure to bring you to some of the best restaurants and bars for a night out, and I hope you will feel well rested and relaxed during your stay.

It is going to be an amazing summer. I can't wait!

Yours truly,









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