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来源:华商学习网 时间:2023-08-25

授课专家: [屈平] 授课天数: 2 天 收费标准: 价格面议 开办周期: 按需开办,有需要的企业请致电本站客服 受训对象: All leaders who need to develop employees’ potential and motivate team members in the organization, who need to create a supportive and positive working environment, improve both individual and organizational performance, this program helps participants know the rationale and framework of coaching and develop skills to support their application into developing individual potential and contribution in the organization.

课程目标: By the end of this course participants will:
? have more understanding on why coaching works for high performance and development for both individual and organization.
? know how coaching framework and model work in performance management
? be able to use core techniques while delivering coaching
? know how coaching improves individual and organizational performance as well supports its continuous development with measurable result
? 了解辅导为何能够提升个人和组织双方的绩效和发展
? 理解教练结构和模型在组织绩效管理中的作用
? 能够掌握和使用教练的核心技巧
? 知晓辅导提升个人和组织绩效,可衡量的结果支持企业持续的发展 课程大纲: 【The Concept课程内容 】
1. The Challenging Time and Changing Needs
? Imperatives for a successful organization
? The importance of people and performance in the organizations
? A shift from manager to leader
? 成功组织的必备
? 人员和绩效的重要性
? 管理理念的转换: 从经理人到领导者

2. Coaching-A Great Approach to Motivate People to Their High Potential 辅导--激发人们潜能的高效理念和方法
? Coaching and its effectiveness with other methodologies
? A structured framework to develop people
? Benefits for both individual and organization
? 有效的辅导和其他方法的不同
? 完整的辅导结构体系
? 独特的方式给组织和个人带来的益处
3. Imperatives for A Coach and Core Coaching Techniques
? The theory of XY and the imperative for a coach
? What works vs. What does not
? The 3 core skills
? XY理论和教练角色必备
? 教练可为&不为
? 三大核心技巧
4.Different Types of Coaching and Opportunities to Step in
? Understanding coaching types
? Opportunities for coaching
? Potential barriers for coaching
? 不同形式概要
? 辅导的机会和介入
? 潜在的影响因素
5. GROW Model & Practice GROW 模型和应用
? GROW Model
? Set win-win goals
? How to present measurable results
? GROW模型
? 共赢目标的设定
? 可衡量绩效结果的呈现
The above will take some practical cases from participants in order to experience the application of the model
6. The Power of Feedback反馈的力量
? An effective tool for providing Feedback-STAR
? Types of Feedback
? Principle of Feedback
? 高效的反馈工具STAR模型
? 反馈的类型
? 反馈的原则

Lecturing, case study, group work, feedback and sharing, one-on-one coaching
讲解、案例分析、小组讨论、反馈与分享、一对一辅导实战 老师介绍:屈平

作为专业咨询顾问和教练, 屈女士长期致力于组织绩效提升和个人发展促进领域。她曾经在多个世界五百强企业工作逾20年,拥有丰富的工作经验和独到的专业咨询和教练理念。
课程形式: - 讲授 - 启发式、互动式教学 - 小组讨论 - 案例分析
- 角色扮演 - 观看录象 - 练习



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